Creator Corner: Author Megan Pomper and Illustrator Maia Hoekstra

Welcome to Creator Corner, a blog series where we interview the creators of our recent books. For this post, we interviewed What Makes a Bird? author Megan Pomper and illustrator Maia Hoekstra, whose book published February 18, 2025!

Owlkids Books: Megan, why did you begin writing children’s books?

Megan Pomper: When I was a kid, I used to love writing stories on giant chart paper with my mom. It was my dream to be an author. But it wasn’t until I had my second child (many years after I convinced myself that my dream was improbable) that I finally worked up the courage to give it a shot. Then once I started pursuing it for real, I fell back in love with writing, and I haven’t looked back since.

Owlkids Books: Maia, when did you know that you wanted to be an illustrator?

Maia Hoekstra: I think I knew at a very young age. I remember before I was in kindergarten I would draw stories (usually of dinosaurs) and ask my mom to “write the words.” When I finished kindergarten, I gifted my teacher a hand-drawn version of one of my favorite books, “The Very Quiet Cricket” by Eric Carle. I never stopped drawing stories, and as I got older, I leaned into the possibility of attending school for a post-secondary education in art & illustration.

OKB: Megan, what inspired you to write this book?

MP: My kids were the main inspiration for this book. I loved watching them just be in the world, living so unapologetically as themselves. I wanted to write something that reflected how powerful that was and would reinforce to them, and all kids, that they never have to define themselves according to someone else’s standards.

OKB: Maia, what was the most enjoyable part of illustrating this book? What was the most challenging part?

MH: My favorite part was making thumbnails and choosing colors. I really love the planning process and often have to reduce the amount of ideas that come crashing into me. I was lucky to have a lot of creative liberty with this book. Choosing the color was a bit tricky, but once I started figuring it out, it was exciting. The most challenging part has always been determining when a piece is finished. Rendering the final images takes me the longest, and it can be difficult for me to decide when to stop. It can be especially challenging with digital software, because there are limitless ways to go back, rework, start over, etc.!

OKB: Megan, what was the most enjoyable part of bringing this story to life? What was the most challenging part of the process?

MP: My most enjoyable moment was, without a doubt, getting my first glimpse of Maia’s work. Their art breathed life into the story and getting to look at that for the first time was a magical and unforgettable experience.

I would be hard-pressed to frame any part of this process as challenging. Maybe only the waiting—that’s always the hardest part!

OKB: Maia, what was the inspiration for your illustrations in this book?

MH: My inspiration comes from so many different areas! Some of the spreads are inspired from my own memories of places I’ve seen that have had a lasting impact on me. I grew up in a small town abundant in wetlands so herons gliding across the sky were a common, yet always special, sight to witness. I would see red wing black birds among the cattails and herring gulls flock on Lake Erie’s shores. I really love staring up at the sky because it is in constant flux of color and emotion, and it makes the birds seem ethereal. The spread of the rainforest birds in particular I took inspiration from the lush, moss rich forest scenes of Hayao Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke. And there’s a handful of birds in the book that are tied to some of my favourite pieces of fiction and fantasy media that I was delighted to feature, such as the shoebill stork, and the bald eagles.

OKB: Megan and Maia, what do you hope readers will take away from this book?

MP: I really hope this book sparks curiosity in young readers – about the natural world, the social world, themselves, and beyond. I hope that curiosity leads to questions and thoughtful explorations, and a realization of the power that lies in discovering things for yourself. I also hope this book helps young readers recognize their own ability to define themselves.

MH: I think it would be so cool if kids reading this book got into birding, because I have been since working on this book! Birding can teach profound patience & fascination for the world we share with our feathered friends. I hope it invokes curiosity and kindness towards creatures beyond birds as well.

OKB: Megan and Maia, what’s an interesting fact people may not know about you?

MP: I did a solo adventure in the Yukon and witnessed an incredible week of the aurora borealis.

MH: I owe my decision to live and study art in Toronto to a short term arts high school exchange trip to England that was sponsored by my hometown’s Rotary Club. This experience bloomed newfound courage within me, thanks to making friends with a shared passion for the arts, fellow students, and elders alike.


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