Creator Corner | Meet author Kira Vermond!

Welcome to Creator Corner! Every month, we’ll be interviewing an author or illustrator of one of our titles. For our inaugural post, we interviewed Kira Vermond, the author of many great nonfiction books for kids, including the 2021 Yellow Cedar Award-winning book, Trending (illustrated by Clayton Hanmer).

Owlkids Books: When did you know that you wanted to be an author?
Kira Vermond: Honestly, I knew from the moment I learned how to print my name. I have a crystal-clear memory of my mom setting me up at the kitchen table beside my sister and showing me how to print K-I-R-A. I must have been two or three, and I was completely hooked. By elementary school, I was already writing (bad) non-fiction book manuscripts, play scripts, and I launched a class magazine called “Swizzle.” Kids paid for issues with pinecones and rocks if they didn’t have cash. I wasn’t turning anyone away! In grade seven I wrote my first novel, complete with atrocious spelling. So, I guess I’ve always wanted to write. It’s like eating or breathing. But with cramped fingers and heart palpitations when deadlines are tight.

OKB: What are your favorite things to write about?
KV: Anything that makes me think, “Huh. That’s weird.”

OKB: What inspired you to write Trending?
KV: Procrastination! I was supposed to be working on an article, but somehow got sucked into reading a story about fads from the 1980s. I thought, “Fads are so kid. They’re completely woven into children’s day-to-day lives. The fun. The coveting. The wanting to fit in by having, sharing or wearing the latest cool thing. Fads would make a great topic for a kids’ book.” I assumed there were loads of books on the topic. But there was almost nothing. Of course, that made me go, “Huh. That’s weird.”

OKB: What do you hope readers will take away from the book?
KV: I really want readers to think about why they want to jump on the bandwagon to fit in. I also want them to be able to recognize a manufactured fad—think unicorn coffee drink, hit song or a corporation’s viral video—when they see it.

OKB: What is a fun fact people don’t know about you?
KV: I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but I get seriously huffy when I play board games and don’t win. I have no idea what that’s about, but it’s very embarrassing. I have to apologize to people the next day.

Learn more about Trending by Kira Vermond and illustrated by Clayton Hanmer here.




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