Turkish editions of Jammie Day, the Ira Crumb books, Clara Humble book one, Do Lizards Eat Ice Cream?, and Frogness

A fantastic 2021 in rights sales!

It’s a new year with a lot of news here in the rights department at Owlkids Books! 2021 was an incredible year for us. In our December post we told you about some of our recent non-fiction rights sales, and now we have even more sales news to share.

It was a big year for Owlkids Books in both South Korea and Turkey. You’ll find The Midnight Club in both markets, along with Hold That Thought, Journey Around the Sun, and Frogness in Turkey and I Do Not Like Stories, Fred & Marjorie, and Carmen and the House That Gaudi Built in South Korea. Meanwhile Little Doctor and the Fearless Beast is being published in Russia and Spain, and Maurice and His Dictionary was sold for the French Canadian market.

But that’s not all. We’re starting this year with three of our Spring 2022 titles already licensed in different markets! While We Wait has been picked up for the French Canadian market, Pink Is for Everybody will be soon available in Dutch, and Free has also been picked up by a publisher in South Korea. We love it when our books reach a broader audience.

For the rest and more, you can take a look at our available books in the most recent Owlkids Books Rights Catalog.

Thanks for catching up on the latest rights news at Owlkids Books.

We wish you the best in this new year!

—The Owlkids Rights Team


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