Image from While We Wait showing a young boy and a dog chasing a ball of yarn

An incredible year in rights & licensing!

At Owlkids Books, the end of June marks the end of our fiscal year, which means it is the perfect time to look back on all our rights deals over the last twelve months!

Since July 2021, we have signed dozens and dozens of deals for our books to be published around the world, including:

  • Almost twenty deals in Asia, spanning across China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Turkey, and Lebanon.
  • Over a dozen deals in Europe, including several deals in Denmark, Germany, and Ukraine.
  • Several deals for French Canada as well as five amazing deals for the North American book club market.

Included in this list are half a dozen agreements for our just-published Spring 2022 books, and a couple for our upcoming Fall 2022 books. Most of our deals have been for backlist titles, which goes to show how books can have a long life in the rights world.

Thanks for catching up on the latest rights news at Owlkids Books!

—The Owlkids Rights Team







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