A note from the author
Do we really drink the same water as the dinosaurs did? Every big idea in You Are Stardust is grounded in current science and author Dr. Elin Kelsey explains more in this short essay. Don’t worry if you still don’t have answers to every question — the goal of this book is simply to inspire magical, exploratory conversations between adult and child.
A Reading of You Are Stardust
There is always a spark of magic that floats through the air when you hear an author read their own book aloud. Watch this video and relax as Elin Kelsey reads You Are Stardust.

Resource for educators
A special thanks to the dedicated educators at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Laboratory School (OISE, University of Toronto) who offered us early feedback on the book and prepared this lesson plan suitable for K-6 students.
In addition to this thought-provoking guide, a Common Core Learning Standards lesson plan is available here.
A Grade 2 class uses You Are Stardust in a Knowledge Building Circle
If you have read through the Educator’s Guide (above) and would love to see inquiry-based learning in action, you’re in luck! We visited Cindy Halewood’s Grade 2 class at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Laboratory School (OISE, University of Toronto) and filmed her students as they engaged in a lively discussion about the book’s themes.

Craft: Make your own diorama
You Are Stardust is uniquely illustrated with 3D dioramas. Readers can be inspired to create their own with this how-to guide from artist Soyeon Kim.

Suggestions for further reading
Many parents, educators, and scientists are concerned about children’s growing disconnectedness from nature. Plenty of research emphasizes how important is it for kids to connect with the natural world. We’ve collected a few great articles about the phenomenon — and some tips for getting your kids to go outside and play.